Name: Åke Bexell
Date of Birth: 06/29/1994
Race/Ethnicity: White
Height: 6'4" (193 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Unknown
Place of Birth: Uppsala, Sweden
Current Residency: Ursa, Washington
Languages Known: English, Swedish, Hebrew, Swiss, Russian, Nebärssi


Åke is, other than Rory, likely the most extroverted member of the guild. He loves meeting new people and making friends, which is why he's actually the first to approach Simon. As much as he is like a golden retriever, he can also be a bit... odd. He will often say things that confuse others or unsettle them, and many people think it's just because of his relationship with Newt. However, it might just be that he has something very, very wrong with him.
He jokes a little too often for comfort about violence, as if he really does plan to harm someone else. His taste in media doesn't line up with his cheery demeanor, either; in fact, everything about him beyond his looks and outward appearance is fundamentally strange.
everyone who knows him is just waiting for him to snap.


Likes: Geography and playing Goeguessr, studying countries' flags, large dogs, real-life gore, anatomy and dissections, autumn, long car rides, cauliflower
Dislikes: Meat (he's vegitarian), staying up too late, going to the dentist or doctor, the attention he gets from girls (feels bad about it), upsetting Newt, brass instruments, standing still for too long
