Name: Anuar "Andrew" Serikbaeva
Date of Birth: 01/02/1982
Race/Ethnicity: Mixed Kazakh/Nepali
Height: 5'8" (173 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Bipolar 2 disorder, adhd
Place of Birth: Simikot, Nepal
Current Residency: Buck-Knife, Pennsylvania
Languages Known: English, Kazakh, Hindi


Anuar, at first glance, is a wonderfully bright and charming kid. He doesn't have many friends, but he doesn't keep to himself as Owen and Sidney do; he is well-liked among those that actually get to know him. And while this is all largely very true, he has a habit of being extremely defensive and quick to lash out under stress. He picks fights that he never wins, has a penchant for reckless behavior, and can generally be rather moody. He means well, though, and would do anything for his loved ones.
After immigrating to the United States with his father, he struggled with his fair share of discrimination, but remained nonethless a very compassionate person, and it has paid off-- he's managed to make a place for himself in the culture of his high school, being the head of the chemistry club, and with a girlfriend who loves him dearly.


Likes: Smoking weed, hunting, cooking, drawing (though he is not very good at it), hanging out with Owen and his girlfriend Sidney, science, jigsaw puzzles, trivia, gameshows, DOOM, town fairs
Dislikes: Jocks, coffee, neon colors, his job at a gas station, waking up early, humidity, lectures, cold showers
