Name: Augustine Goldschmid I
Date of Birth: 10/05/1913
Race/Ethnicity: White (Nebärssi/Anaist)
Height: 5'11" (180 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Unknown
Place of Birth: Sihlmegozok, Nebärav
Current Residency: Sihlmegozok, Nebärav
Languages Known: Nebärssi, Stevbaraatan


Augustine I is the royal Paadst of Nebãrav, meaning he has unparalleled stake in the political landscape of the country. After the ending of World War II, he becomes extremely paranoid, believing that there are fatal flaws littered throughout contemporary Anaism. He insists that there are inferior groups, such as people of color and the disabled. He makes it his mission to eradicate these people, wanting to 'cleanse' the holy contry of them. (He is, undoubtedly, a terrible person.)
'Vëç älle bōdëchen; vëç nicht älle Anaichen.'
'We are all human; we are not all Anais.'


Likes: Nazi ideology and other such pathetic things
Dislikes: The 'old' Anaist ways, integration, minorities (he is bigoted in every sense of the word)