September of 1998 - August of 2001


Owen Sebastian Liebermann lives in the rural Pennsylvanian town of Buck-Knife. He is wholly alone, with no real friends, and he hates his mother and older sister. He feels inhuman, always having breakdowns that feel all-consuming and unstoppable. He feels like he's being watched late at night, by some thing that wants him dead. When he meets Sidney Jasmine Price and is confornted with something horrible he did the summer prior, things only get worse. When he meets Anuar Serikbaeva, a boy who he quickly-- to his own horror-- falls in love with, things only get worse. His episodes become more and more extreme, until, ultimately, he commits an atrocity that is unforgivable.


"I should, really, know better than anyone what occurs after the heart and brain go useless in their bone-shells, but I've never been very perceptive-- at least not as much as I ought to be. I could not tell you when I began to think about suicide (was it the fourth grade? Third? Second?), but I can say with certainty that there is no redemption arc. This narrative is circular; 'Ouroboros'. I have skinned myself alive, and I will get worse and worse and worse, and I know this to be true because I don't wish to get better. I want to get worse, and I want to be hated. I'm aware that, right now, I am not making a very good case for myself, but listen: I want it all to have a purpose. I want to look my mother in the eyes and tell her 'See? I was right all along, I was dying and you never believed me, but now you can't deny it.' And, when I do die-- at this rate, I doubt it will take much longer-- I will find satisfaction in the fact that all these years of sorrow have finally led to something unequivocally terrible."