Name: Elena Merketa Ambroz
Date of Birth: 05/13/1941
Race/Ethnicity: White (Czech/Anaist)
Height: 5'7" (170 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Anorexia, ptsd
Place of Birth: Černošice, Czechia
Current Residency: Sihlmegozok, Nebärav
Languages Known: Czech, Nebärssi, Stevbaraatan
As a ballerina for Hoje Alecksandra, Elena has always been a star. She has been a part of the Fallaej Šver ballet, in some way, every year since she could walk. The grandness of it all does take a toll on her, hwoever. She can not help but feel as though she is a cog in a great big machine that will never shut down. It's the classic story of the tortured artist; she will dance until the world ends or she dies. Whichever comes first, she thinks. Whichever comes first.
Despite the things that ail her, she is young and in love; her sweetheart, Yunus, is the light of her life. She is surrounded by love, really. She is made of it.