Name: Ellis Gutiérrez
Date of Birth: 12/25/1982
Race/Ethnicity: Cuban
Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Legal blindness in their left eye, legal deafness in their left ear, ptsd, panic disorder
Place of Birth: Modesto, California
Current Residency: Greenshore, Maine
Languages Known: English


Ellis is a bubbly, fun-loving, entirely endearing person. Everyone they've met loves them-- and honestly, those who haven't are missing out. They love a good bit of rule-breaking because life is short and they're going to die someday. (They try not to think about the existential, ultimately hollow truth that sentiment brings.) They have a heart far too big for their own good, but they know how to patch themselves up if needed. They are a Jack of All Trades, a punk, banned from Arby's, and in love with their fiancé, Mel.
After losing their family in a notably odd electrical house fire as a child, Ellis has known that there is something very, very strange about them. Why had they survived with burns only across their left half when they were burnt across their whole body? How have their scars miraculously seemed to be limited in severity, healing on their own? And how had they started that fatal fire out of nothing?


Likes: The color yellow, the feeling of brushing their teeth, cheese, thrifting, Sillybandz, riot grrrl music, old guitars, the smell of cigarettes, box hair dye, tarot cards, board games, tropical weather
Dislikes: Being cold, strict rules (or rules in general), mosquitoes, reading long chunks of text, video games, arguments with their friends or loved ones, white chocolate, itchy sweaters, formal wear
