Name: Joshua Liam Miller
Date of Birth: 09/28/1982
Race/Ethnicity: Black (African-American)
Height: 6'2" (183 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Deuteranopia, adhd, dpdr
Place of Birth: Cape Town, South Africa
Current Residency: Greenshore, Maine
Languages Known: English, Afrikaans


Liam is too nonchalant for it to be healthy. He does not care what happens to him. He has a fear of commitment, but he also craves it; same with affection; same with vulnerability; same with emotional stability. He can be annoyingly, frustratingly stubborn at times despite his relaxed demeanor. He is volatile at the best of times and dangerous at the worst. Having grown up in an hardcore Catholic household, his identity as a whole was very much repressed. And, because of the teachings he was surrounded by in his formative years, he has a need to die a hero (like Jesus). It's a compulsion that has done him and others more harm than good.
Occupation-wise, Liam is the lead singer and rhythm guitarist for a second-wave emo band called 'Dog tag'. It is very much an outlet for him, and he finds it to be a way of "sticking it to" his parents, who loathe it. He has a complicated romantic relationship with his best friend Jaxon.


Likes: The Legend of Zelda, horror movies, death metal, drugs, baggy clothes, silver rings, Sunny Day Real Estate and Alice in Chains and Cannibal Corpse, the color red, cool socks, collecting CDs and vinyls
Dislikes: School (despite having dropped out of college), being perceived as weak, deadlines in general, his mom, traffic, slow classical music, his braces, winter and summer, swimming, pollen, being overly emotional in front of others
