Name: Melanie "Mel" Hwang
Date of Birth: 03/12/1983
Race/Ethnicity: Korean
Height: 5'5" (165 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Autism, bipolar disorder
Place of Birth: Baltimore, Maryland
Current Residency: Greenshore, Maine
Languages Known: English, Korean


Mel has been called average her whole life, so she strives to be better, strives to be excellent; but she always ends back inside of her shell, in the end. She's nice enough, smart enough, strong enough, independent enough. She wants to be like the people she idolizes, but there's so much to do, and so little time-- and she spends most of that in her room (probably crying). Life is very overwhelming, and she isn't really built for that. Oftentimes, she feels like she is to blame for everything wrong in the world. It is very hard to convince her that is not the case.
Despite being a rather gloomy woman, she does still make excellent company; she is an exceedingly warm and comforting person to be around, always there to give advice and affection. This makes her a perfect match for Ellis, whose high energy matches Mel's calming aura.


Likes: My Little Pony, breakfast foods, makeup, piercings, pink and purple, cheesy romcoms, edm/rave music, accessorizing, purses, shrews and mice, thin clothing, converse, her phone, hangouts in small groups
Dislikes: Having to talk to strangers, stuffy clothing, bitter foods, repetitive noises, yelling, cardio, her job, having to style her hair (likes the end result, just not the process)
