Name: Nikolae "Niko" Ruzicka
Date of Birth: 02/14/1988
Race/Ethnicity: White
Height: 5'2" (157.5 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Narcolepsy, autophobia, dpd, dpdr, bulimia nervosa
Place of Birth: Jackmouth, Alaska
Current Residency: Jackmouth, Alaska
Languages Known: English, (some) German, (some) Romanian


Niko is... a lot. He-- at first glance-- is just a skittish person with a staring problem. But those who have the (mis)fortune of getting close to him know that the opposite is true. He can be mawkish and extreme in his actions. Often, people find that he is just very stressful to be around, because he talks about nothing but death and other dark subjects; either that, or he talks about his boyfriend Pyotr to the point of concern. (Niko is so obsessed with Pyotr, in fact, that he refuses to be apart from him under any circumstances.)
He is a freelance illustrator and never leaves the house. He has a history of very unsettling behavior towards romantic interests, such as stalking girls in high school.


Likes: PYOTR, bugs and cats, white and blue, grindhouse films (in addition to heavy gore), Lovecraftian horror, the vastness of the ocean, snow, science, writing letters and emails, knives and other sharp objects, dying (specifically being killed by Pyotr in extreme fashions)
Dislikes: The heat, hard foods (Except for hard candies), being left alone, pop music, silence, playing video games (prefers to watch others play), taking tests, cantaloupe, fast food in general, warm milk


^ this dude fucking sucks haha ^