Name: Ophir Peretz
Date of Birth: 10/30/1983
Race/Ethnicity: Israeli (Beta Israel)
Height: 6'0' (178 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Depression, anxiety
Place of Birth: Afiq, Israel
Current Residency: Greenshore, Maine
Languages Known: English, Hebrew


Ophir is-- in short-- an extremely insecure person. He masks it well enough, but looming dread follows him everywhere. His almost entirely mute because of this anxiety. Though, if/when he does speak, it isn't unlikely that he'll make a crude joke. In fact, many people don't particularly love his company. But those who really do know him know that he means well, even if his demeanor is a little... off-putting. He is the most skeptical person out of his friends (frankly, he's a cynic) and the last to pay any mind to the odd goings-on around the city. When it comes to something he's passionate about, though, he will at once be the most scrupulous person you have ever met.
Occupation-wise, Ophir is the drummer for a second-wave emo band called 'Dog tag'. He enjoys the thrill of contributing to a project without being exactly the center of attention; in all aspects of his life, he aims to stay in the background.


Likes: Pokèmon cards, track jackets and hoodies, skateboarding, guns, cool colors, snow but also the desert, rodents, grindhouse films, chains, ancient ruins and architecture, truth or dare, drinking games
Dislikes: Bright colors, large crowds, authority (especially his boss), gaudy clothing and interior design, philosophical conversations or any theoretical topics that require him to think super hard, being the center of attention, eye contact, his poliosis
