Name: Yomi Phyllis Tsukuimo
Date of Birth: Unknown
Race/Ethnicity: Mixed white/Japanese
Height: 5'7" (170 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Current Residency: Greenshore, Maine
Languages Known: English, Nebärssi


Phyllis is as tragic a character as they come. Some people are simply born doomed. Her relationship with Naomi is toxic at best, her relationship with Vermillion a cruel joke. And the saddest thing of all is that Phyllis has done nothing to deserve this. She is a good person who is trying her best to make sense of the mess she has gotten herself into.
Her greatest wish has always been to be a mother. This will never happen, and she knows this, she does. She has silently accepted the cruel fate of being used.


Likes: Soap operas, herbal teas, embroidery, clothing construction, photo galleries, flower pressing, taking care of others, foraging, postcards
Dislikes: Being yelled at, when Vermillion is acting out, confrontation, being alone, the smell of the ocean, taxidermy, the thought of getting older, men her age or older