Name: Pyotr Ivanovich Novikov
Date of Birth: 06/06/1987
Race/Ethnicity: Mixed White/Mongolian (Russian-American, Kalmyk)
Height: 6'0" (183 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Aspd
Place of Birth: Yashkul, Kalmykia
Current Residency: Jackmouth, Alaska
Languages Known: English, Kalmyk Oirat


Pyotr is a man who has a complete disregard for other people. What is most strange about him is the dissonance between what he says and how he acts. He can be both incredibly cold and incredibly human-- but never is he polite. A blunt, cruel, and unforgiving man, it is almost comical that he is also entirely lacking in seriousness. He does not care what happens to others, and he does not care what happens to him. Maybe it stems from his disconnect from the act of living itself. Whatever the reason is, he is certainly unpleasant company. Frankly, the only person who is not at least annoyed by his presence seems to be Niko.
He works as a bartender in a shitty dive-bar, and frequently makes dangerous drinks on purpose, with the goal of harming consumers. Somehow, he has yet to be caught.


Likes: NIKO, killing Niko as a form of sexual release (it's odd), dogs and coyotes, war history, guns, anatomy, black and red and blue, blood, psychology, Scandinavian black metal, Formula 1, the sci-fi genre, beanies, life-or-death scenarios, cyber-stalking people
Dislikes: Moe, the sun, noisy supercars, sports (he really hates soccer for some reason), his parents, the smell of paint, sugary foods (but he loves sugary drinks), jewelery, out-of-tune instruments, the texture of laminate
