Name: Ramona "Moe" Hazel Ruzicka
Date of Birth: 02/14/1988
Race/Ethnicity: White
Height: 5'2" (157.5 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Cerebral palsy, dyslexia
Place of Birth: Jackmouth, Alaska
Current Residency: Jackmouth, Alaska
Languages Known: English, German, Romanian


Moe is a very shy individual. Because they were made fun of growing up, they never made many friends, and instead stuck with Niko 24/7-- that is, until Pyotr came into their lives. Moe absolutely despises Pyotr and his relationship with Niko, but they are too nervous to actually confront him. They care too deeply to remain unaffected by the relationship between him and their twin, but even worse is the fact that Niko seems genuinely in love with Pyotr. Moe is constantly frustrated by this. Who wouldn't be?
They work as a freelance video editor from home, but have always dreamt of being a professional movie editor, or even director.


Likes: Pierrots, learning about other cultures, anti-folk and folk-punk, corduroy, thrifting, Christmas movies (though they don't celebrate the holiday), plain rice, gold and forest green, sea angels, rock operas
Dislikes: PYOTR, the chronic pain they experience (due to their Cerebral Palsy), the dark, having to have things explained to them, people being condescending to them in general, humidity, cold drinks, the texture of freshly-cut grass, eye contact
