Name: Roger Sebaštan Schappal
Date of Birth: 05/01/1941
Race/Ethnicity: White (Nebärssi/Anaist)
Height: 5'11" (180 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Ptsd, depression, adhd
Place of Birth: Sihlmegozok, Nebärav
Current Residency: Sihlmegozok, Nebärav
Languages Known: Nebärssi, Stevbaraatan


Roger is a very laid-back person, who doesn't emote much. Though he can come off as aloof and apathetic, he has a good heart, which is why he enjoys his job as a bellboy so much. He enjoys wandering around the hotel and taking note of all of its secrets. However, when the civil war takes over the country, his job is forcibly changed to that of a street soldier/guard, alongside his friend Yunus. Much like Anastaža, he finds the world a cruel and unjust place, but unllike her, he masks his fears well enough.
Among the main three, he is by far the moste extroverted, but this isn't saying much; he simply has an easier time talking to new people, if only to learn the private details of their life. He thrives a bit on chaos.


Likes: Secrets and 'gossip', playfully bothering Anastaža, riding in the beds of trucks, the sun, watching performances in the hotel's theater, napping, strays
Dislikes: When Anastaža gets in her head and shuts down, his (eventual) job as a soldier, seeing others cry, pollen, Nebärav's slug problem, letting others touch his records, the sound of gunshots, cooking

^ roger and his suspiciously-close-best-friend, eliot karel ambroz. ^