Name: Röse Steinkellner
Date of Birth: 08/14/1919
Race/Ethnicity: White (Nebärssi/Anaist)
Height: 5'10" (178 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Unknown
Place of Birth: Sihlmegozok, Nebärav
Current Residency: Sihlmegozok, Nebärav
Languages Known: Nebärssi, Stevbaraatan


Röse is the owner of Hoje Alecksandra (Hotel Alexandria) in Sihlemgozok. With this ownership comes a great connection with the supernatural entities of Anaism, including the Balladen themselves. Röse is just as important to the religion as Augustine I is, if not more so; however, she is his biggest target during the civil war for what she represents: a complete integration of all people and Anais, regardless of identity or background.
Personality-wise, Röse is very similar to her niece Anastaža, though she's much calmer. She will, however, fight for her beliefs until the end, regardless of the cost.


Likes: Hoje Alecksandra, protecting others, porcelain, traveling, knick-knacks, observing others
Dislikes: AUGUSTINE I (and everything he stands for)