Name: Sidney Jasmine price
Date of Birth: 11/30/1981
Race/Ethnicity: White
Height: 5'1" (155 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Bpd, autism
Place of Birth: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Current Residency: Buck-Knife, Pennsylvania
Languages Known: English, (some) French
Sidney is, at once, both extremely aloof and extremely passionate. She maintains a hard-to-follow, nuanced belief about the world around her, and trusts almost nobody. It isn't that she exactly means to be harsh; she simply views her cold judgement as a way to keep herself safe. She is not exactly unpopular so much as feared; and, while it is understandable that her demeanor makes people avoid her, she often is unfairly critisized as a cruel person, which she is certainly not. She is quick to hold grudges, but these are usually justified. She can make rude remarks, but there's never real malice behind them. She is just a lonely girl who struggles to navigate interpersonal relationships.
She goes out of her way to be the antithesis to everything her mother asks of her-- a perfect little girl and future housewife-- but this causes great strain on their relationship. Though it seems that she has the perfect little all-American life, she struggles greatly with her home life. That's precisely why she acts so distant; she's been hurt before. She will not be hurt again.
Likes: Citrusy fruits, Björk, fireworks, Beanie Babies, comics, wandering outdoors, collecting rocks, soccer and softball, her boyfriend Anuar, champagne and wine, hand-rolled cigarettes, biographies, politics, gardening
Dislikes: Owen (kind of), her own feminity (due to her mother), classical music, winter, crowds, eating with her family, woolen sweaters and socks, purple, her common migraines, being cooped up inside, lack of eye contact