Name: Yunus Ağaoğlu
Date of Birth: 02/14/1941
Race/Ethnicity: Afro-Turkish (Nebärssi/Anaist)
Height: 5'11" (180 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Ptsd
Place of Birth: Sihlmegozok, Nebärav
Current Residency: Sihlmegozok, Nebärav
Languages Known: Turkish, Nebärssi, Stevbaraatan
You would be hard-pressed to find a single person in Yunus' life who doesn't think highly of him. His temperance is unparalled, but he is still widely respected. Those who dislike him typically do for one of two reasons: racism, or because they think his gentlemanly nature makes him a pussy. He brushes this off, however, and can usually be encountered with flowers for his lover, Elena. He is sunlight personified, always smiling, always giving. The war threatens to rip this love away from him. He swears on his life that he will not let it.