Name: Ángel "Boy" Švec
Date of Birth: 12/31/1998
Race/Ethnicity: Mexican
Height: 4'11" (150 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Dissociative amnesia, photosensitive epilepsy, psychosis, unilateral cleft lip
Place of Birth: Greenshore, Maine
Current Residency: Greenshore, Maine
Languages Known: Spanish, Stavbaraatan, (some) English


Boy is a little kid who is more powerful than anyone should ever or could ever need to be. It's a little sad, actually; he had his whole life ahead at him at one point. Now, he is but a shell. Now, he is the Book of Revelations personified. Now, he is a conduit for the end of times. He will die young, and he isn't even aware. Vermillion treats him like a little brother, much to his distaste (This is why he has adopted their last name; his identity prior to the cult has been wiped clean).
He was created by Moad, a god of death. He, for a short time, was placed under the care of two normal parents; however, once he was discovered, he was kidnapped by the Ballad's Spectres.


Likes: Soft blankets, pajamas, Moad and Pickett , juice, earthworms, drawing with crayons, the moon phases, horses, riddles, armchairs, taxidermy, clovers, candles, teddy bears, odd numbers, flags, superhero comics
Dislikes: Everything else (especially Vermillion)


(Moad's name used to be Oliver, though I changed it.)