Name: Annika "Vermillion" Švec
Date of Birth: Unknown
Race/Ethnicity: White (Slavic)
Height: 5'4" (165.6 cm)
Disabilities/Mental Illnesses: Unknown
Place of Birth: Irkutsk, Russia
Current Residency: Greenshore, Maine
Languages Known: English, Russian, Nebärssi, Stavbaraatan


Vermillion is impossibly smart. They are the leader of a cult they named the "Ballad's Spectres" which adheres to the teachings of Anaism. They are cruel and cold and calculated because they feel they need to be; they have only gotten as far as they have-- been as successful as they have been-- by being inhumane. They claim to know the date of the end of the world, and they plan to be the only one who survives. As a kid, they told adults that they wanted to be "ruler of the world" when they grew up.
Aside from being a Russian immigrant and the pseudo-child of two members of their cult (Naomi and Phyllis), not much is known about Vermillion's origins. They swear that they are the reincarnation of one of the Astara Balladen. The validity of this claim is questionable.


Likes: Fine china, porcelain figures and dolls, formal wear, sparkling and mineral water, renaissance paintings, scandinavian furniture, flower language, old religious texts, orchestral music, fire, animal bones and teeth
Dislikes: Being underestimated, purple and orange and pink, dirty things, all romantic or sexual topics, the rain, glitter glue, having to wait for things, Pickett
